Links 19

  1. Results of an online survey of Cambridge University students: “49.7% of the respondents identified as heterosexual, whilst 11.9% and 29.7% identified as homosexual and bisexual respectively. One student, who seems to have taken a little too obsessively to their outings on the Cam, identified their sexuality as ‘rower’.”

  2. Fanta was invented (by Coca-Cola) in Nazi Germany during World War II.

  3. Stress, exhaustion and 1,000 patients a day: “According to the latest figures from the BMA there are 1,808 fewer full-time GPs in England today than there were in September 2015, while each practice has on average 2,131 more patients.”

  4. Rebecca Fishbein: “Twitter has long been a platform where celebrities, brands, journalists and other public-facing entities thrive. Tumblr, with its lack of follower count, typically anonymous user base and focus on the collective user experience over individual success, is not the kind of place that amplifies personalities. That’s a large part of Tumblr’s appeal for many.”

  5. Justin E. H. Smith: “Far from having a ‘bucket list’, I now understand that the proper conduct of the second half of life is to approach something like what the Tibetan Buddhists call tukdam, to do less and less, but only to sit and meditate, and to breathe once every century or so, so that by the time you actually die there will be scarcely any change to register. I can picture a future not so far from now when, to the question, ‘Is he alive or dead?’, the only fitting response will be: ‘Who can say?’”


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