Links 2

1. Oliver Traldi: “Is philosophy more like math and science, or is it more like literature? Should philosophers be familiar with discoveries in physics, theorems of algebra, and tools from statistics? Or should they be familiar with world history, the great works of art, and contemporary politics?”

2. Douglas London: “Policymakers would do well to remember three fundamentals that guide Putin’s decision-making: 1) he is the product of the 1970’s and 1980’s KGB and stood witness in then-East Germany in 1991, when the world as he knew it ceased to exist; 2) ego, survival, greed, and ambition direct his moral compass; and 3) he has come to believe his own propaganda.”

3. Ingfei Chen: “Most people are oblivious to the fact that we possess a heavily edited record of the experiences that move us most. When it comes to remembering, we are more at the mercy of our emotions than we may realize.”

4. Researchers at Google have developed DreamFusion, an AI model that generates 3D objects from text prompts.


Reading 28


Reading 27