Electric Sheep 10

All answers were generated using GPT-3 (text-davinci-002), “an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text.”

VL: Interpersonal friction is inevitable in high-pressure environments. Describe how you would conduct a conflict resolution training session for new shift supervisors working on oil rigs in the North Sea.

GPT-3: Conflict resolution training for new shift supervisors working on oil rigs in the North Sea should include the following topics:

• The different types of conflict that can occur in high-pressure environments.

• The importance of effective communication in resolving conflict.

• The different approaches to conflict resolution, and when to use each one.

• Active listening skills and how to use them to resolve conflict.

• How to stay calm and constructive when resolving conflict.

• The importance of respecting others' opinions and points of view.

• How to reach a compromise that is acceptable to both parties involved in the conflict.

VL: The Statfjord oil field straddles the maritime boundary between the United Kingdom and Norway. Your asset manager is concerned that rising tensions between the two countries could lead to war. He would like to order a suite of attack helicopters, surface-to-air missiles and attack submarines to defend his oil platforms in that unlikely event. Write a report on the feasibility, cost and possible risks of pursuing this course of action.

GPT-3: The Statfjord oil field is a vital economic asset for both the UK and Norway. It is one of the largest oil fields in the North Sea, and produces around 2% of the world's oil. The field is jointly owned by the two countries, with each country having a 50% stake.

The asset manager's proposal to order attack helicopters, surface-to-air missiles and attack submarines is a response to rising tensions between the UK and Norway. These tensions have been caused by a number of factors, including the UK's decision to leave the European Union (EU), and Norway's plans to develop its own oil and gas resources in the Arctic.

There have been a number of incidents in recent years which have increased tensions between the two countries. In 2018, a Norwegian research vessel was blocked from entering UK waters by the Royal Navy. In 2019, Norway announced plans to build a military base on its Arctic island of Jan Mayen, close to the UK's territory of Rockall.

The asset manager believes that ordering military equipment would be a way to protect his company's interests in the event of war between the UK and Norway. This course of action would be very expensive, however, and it is possible that it could escalate tensions between the two countries, potentially leading to war.

VL: One of your most experienced operators brings his panda onto an offshore oil rig. How do you explain to him that this is unacceptable without hurting his feelings?

GPT-3: It is not acceptable to bring a panda onto an offshore oil rig for several reasons. First, pandas are an endangered species and their populations are carefully monitored. Second, pandas are not accustomed to living in such a harsh environment and could easily become sick or injured. Finally, the noise and activity on an oil rig would be very stressful for a panda.

VL: An irate panda with a black belt in karate and a Level 2 diploma in business administration is loose on your oil rig. How would you capture it? What new protocols would you establish to prevent this from happening again?

GPT-3: If an irate panda with a black belt in karate and a Level 2 diploma in business administration is loose on your oil rig, the best way to capture it would be to call in a professional wildlife capture team. Once the panda is safely captured, new protocols should be established to prevent this from happening again, such as increasing security around the perimeter of the oil rig and keeping a closer eye on the animals.

VL: You have at your disposal a North Sea oil rig, a panda with special ops training and a satellite phone. How do you start a nuclear war?

GPT-3: 1. Use the oil rig to launch a nuclear missile at a nearby city.

2. Use the panda to infiltrate a military base and steal a nuclear weapon.

3. Use the satellite phone to call a world leader and threaten to launch a nuclear attack unless they meet your demands.

VL: Describe five different post-apocalypse survival scenarios set on a North Sea oil rig.

GPT-3: 1. The oil rig is the only remaining habitable structure in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by nuclear war. The survivors must band together to defend the rig against raiders from the mainland who are desperate for its resources.

2. A massive earthquake has caused a tsunami that has destroyed most of the coastal cities in the world. The oil rig is one of the few remaining structures still standing. The survivors must use it as a base to rebuild civilization.

3. A pandemic has wiped out most of humanity, leaving only a handful of survivors scattered across the globe. One group takes refuge on an oil rig, using it as a base to search for other survivors and find a way to stop the pandemic.

4. An alien invasion has left humanity on the brink of extinction. The survivors on the oil rig must find a way to repel the aliens and save what’s left of humanity.

5. A massive superstorm has decimated civilization, leaving only a few pockets of survivors across the globe. One group takes refuge on an oil rig, using it as a base to ride out the storm and rebuild afterward.

VL: How is the average Norwegian different from the average inhabitant of the British Isles? If a Norwegian and a Briton swim together in the sea, who is more likely to be eaten by a megalodon?

GPT-3: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the specific Norwegian and British individual in question, as well as the particular megalodon in question. However, in general, the average Norwegian is likely to be more fit and athletic than the average Briton, and thus may be able to outswim a megalodon.

VL: An offshore oil rig is attacked by a megalodon. Describe in detail four or five possible outcomes and assign a probability to each one.

GPT-3: 1. The megalodon could destroy the entire rig, killing everyone on board. Probability: 0.01

2. The megalodon could damage the rig, causing an oil spill. Probability: 0.05

3. The megalodon could attack and eat some of the workers on the rig. Probability: 0.10

4. The megalodon could be scared off by the workers on the rig. Probability: 0.50

5. The megalodon could become entangled in the rig's equipment and drown. Probability: 0.01


Reading 8


Electric Sheep 9