Electric Sheep 44

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You are a Professor of Comparative Literature at Princeton University. Write an article titled "Dragonology, Embodiment, and the Problem of Other Minds in Sisqo's Thong Song"

Dragonology, the study of dragons, has long been a fascination of Western culture, from the epic poems of Beowulf and The Iliad to the beloved children's book series by Gerard Durrell. But the 2000 hit song "Thong Song" by R&B singer Sisqo offers a unique perspective on the subject, one that raises interesting questions about the nature of embodiment and other minds.

At first glance, "Thong Song" seems like a standard ode to a woman's posterior, with Sisqo crooning about "dumps like a truck" and how he "like[s] the way [she] move[s]." But upon closer examination, the lyrics reveal a deeper preoccupation with the concept of the thong itself, and the way it embodies the contours of the female body. Sisqo sings about how the thong "show[s] all of [her] round thing," and how it "make[s] [him] want to sing." In other words, the thong becomes a vehicle for the expression of desire, a way for Sisqo to connect with the woman in a sensual and embodied way.

But the song also raises questions about the nature of other minds. Sisqo's fascination with the thong suggests a desire to understand the woman's inner experience, to glimpse the thoughts and feelings that animate her body. He wonders "what's underneath" and "how [she] feel[s]" in the thong, as if the garment holds the key to her inner life. This desire to understand the subjective experience of others is at the heart of the philosophical problem of other minds, which has puzzled thinkers for centuries. Can we truly know what it is like to be someone else, or are we forever trapped in the solipsism of our own minds?

Sisqo's obsession with the thong also brings to mind the ancient practice of dragonology, which was believed to hold the secrets of understanding and controlling the mythical beasts. In the same way that the thong reveals the contours of the woman's body, dragonology was thought to unlock the secrets of the dragons' inner lives. But just as the thong ultimately remains inscrutable, the true nature of dragons (and other minds) may forever elude our attempts at understanding.

Ultimately, "Thong Song" offers a thought-provoking exploration of the relationship between embodiment, desire, and the problem of other minds. Through Sisqo's fascination with the thong, we are invited to consider the ways in which we attempt to bridge the gap between our own minds and the minds of others, and the limitations of those attempts.

A transcript of a Conversations with Tyler episode in which Tyler Cowen and Mike Tyson talk about feral pigeons and the O. J. Simpson trial.

Tyler Cowen: Hi Mike, thanks for joining me today on Conversations with Tyler.

Mike Tyson: No problem, Tyler. It's great to be here.

Tyler: So, I wanted to start by asking you about feral pigeons. I know you're a big fan of these birds and you've even written about them in your book, Undisputed Truth. Can you tell us a bit about why you find them so fascinating?

Mike: Yeah, I've always been fascinated by feral pigeons. They're such resilient birds, you know? They can survive in all kinds of conditions, even in the middle of a bustling city. And they're also pretty intelligent. I've seen them solve problems and adapt to their environment in ways that are really impressive.

Tyler: That's interesting. And do you think that there's a connection between the resilience and adaptability of feral pigeons and your own experiences as a boxer?

Mike: Definitely. I think the reason I'm drawn to feral pigeons is because I see a lot of similarities between them and myself. Like them, I had to adapt to tough environments and overcome obstacles in order to survive and succeed. And like them, I had to learn how to be smart and resourceful in order to stay ahead of the game.

Tyler: I see. And speaking of the game, let's talk about the O. J. Simpson trial. You were a close friend of O. J.'s and you were even called to testify at the trial. Can you tell us a bit about what that experience was like for you?

Mike: It was a very intense and emotional experience for me. O. J. was like a brother to me, and I wanted to do everything I could to support him during that difficult time. But at the same time, I also knew that I had to be truthful and honest while on the stand. It was a very delicate balance, and it was definitely one of the most challenging experiences of my life.

Tyler: I can imagine. And looking back on it now, do you have any thoughts or reflections on the trial and its outcome?

Mike: Well, I don't really want to go into too much detail about that. I think the trial and its outcome speak for themselves. All I can say is that it was a very difficult time for everyone involved, and I'm just grateful that it's behind us now.

Tyler: I understand. Well, thank you for sharing your thoughts on feral pigeons, your experiences as a boxer, and the O. J. Simpson trial with us today, Mike. It's been great having you on the show.

Mike: No problem, Tyler. It was great being here.

Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3. Laertes is about to leave for France. Polonius his father has come to bid him farewell. Compose a speech for Polonius (in Shakespearean blank verse and using Shakespearean metaphors) in which he urges his son to write lots of code, stay off social media and seek out venture capital.

Oh, my dear son Laertes, as thou dost prepare
To leave thy native land and embark upon
A journey fraught with danger and with peril,
I beg thee, take these words of wisdom to heart.

First and foremost, let me urge thee to write
Lots of code, my son. For in this world,
'Tis the skilled coder who doth hold the keys
To success and wealth. Let thy fingers fly
Across the keyboard, and let thy mind be sharp
As thou dost craft thy code with careful thought.

And when thou hast finished writing, seek out
Venture capital, my son. For in this world,
'Tis the man with a strong business plan
And the backing of investors who doth rise
To the top and claim his rightful place of power.

But be wary, my son, of the temptations
That lurk upon the road ahead. Avoid
The siren call of social media,
For it doth distract the mind and waste
Precious time that could be spent on more worthy pursuits.

Stay focused, my son, and stay true to thyself.
With hard work and determination,
Thou shalt surely find success and prosperity.
Farewell, my son, and may fortune favor thee
On thy journey to France and beyond


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