Links 25

  1. From The Verge: “While many users have been impressed by ChatGPT’s capabilities, others have noted its persistent tendency to generate plausible but false responses. Ask the bot to write a biography of a public figure, for example, and it may well insert incorrect biographical data with complete confidence. Ask it to explain how to program software for a specific function and it can similarly produce believable but ultimately incorrect code.”

  2. Katie Hawthorne: “Spotify can tell us how many times we loop a favourite song, make reasonable assumptions about the genres that speak to us, and deduce from GPS data what we might want to hear in the gym as opposed to the office. But a key anthropological question remains unwrapped: why do people love the songs that they do?”

  3. Freddie de Boer: “Which is worse, insult or condescension? To be challenged on the level of ideas by someone who takes your claims seriously, or to be patronized by someone who doesn’t?”

  4. Tyler Cowen: “More than any other time, if you are not on Twitter, you just don’t know what is going on.”


Electric Sheep 44


Links 24