Links 6

  1. Missing white woman syndrome: “A white young adult woman who is reported missing in New York could be covered in 67 news stories, but a Latino male of the same age would appear in only 17. A middle-aged Black man who goes missing would be expected to receive four or fewer mentions in the press. A Black man who went missing in St. Louis would only garner 12 news stories, while a young white woman from the same town would attract ten times the media coverage.” (see also Wikipedia - and remember, not all who wander are lost)

  2. Why genitals are not acceptable conversation openers: A step-by-step guide to saying hello.

  3. Matthew Yglesias: “Tech people have mistaken their own resentment at journalists' unearned checkmark privilege for something that journalists themselves care deeply about.”

  4. Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.

  5. Maria Farrell: “A week ago, almost none of Twitter’s elite had ever thought about platform lock-in or federated social spaces or decentralisation. A bit like Musk himself, they seemed to think being on top – whatever that means – was something inherent to them, not something that could be taken away on a whim. As well as an exercise in humility and a lesson in how elite markers like blue ticks truly function, lots of real-life influential people now understand in their bones why platform concentration and monopoly is a terrible, terrible thing.”


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