Links 7

  1. This (by Justin E. H. Smith) starts off as an exploration of the question “Are there more legs than eyes in the world?” and becomes so much more.

  2. Justin E. H. Smith on leaving Twitter: “For me, at this point, Twitter is hardly necessary. For I’ve got Substack. I have far more followers here than I ever had there, and a good number of them pay me for what I write. I can write as much as I want, in full, free-flowing prose. And when I do, the rabble keep their distance, or, if they show up, they understand they’re in a different sort of space, where different rules apply. […] Why the hell would anyone prefer a site that compels you to write your thoughts in fragments, which then takes all the monetary profit that results from this writing for itself, and leaves you to fend off the swarms of enraged Sans-Culottes who are committed, as a matter of principle, to not taking in what you have to say with any charity or judiciousness? Why would anyone settle for an arrangement like that?” [same link as (1)]

  3. “The passage of time is relentless, unfathomable, cruel and unforgiving.

  4. Still my favourite film.


Links 8


Links 6